Friday, 30 September 2011

Morning Bliss

Walking to work at 6.45 am.
Gorgeous weather.
Everybody seems to be so moody these days while I'm on the top of my game.
Fall must be my bestfriend <3


- Melissa

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Late night walk

I went for a walk with my mate Even last week and here's a few pictures I took:

It was so gorgeous.
The sky was pink, grey and blue.

Nothing beats a late night walk in the fall.
Most people get depressed when fall and winter comes along, but I guess I'm the only one ''waking up''.

Love fall everyone :)
Best time of the year.


- Melissa

Thursday, 22 September 2011


So I've been pretty busy this week.
There haven't been one day where I could just chill at home after a long day at work and don't have to worry about having to be elsewhere.
Even today, when I felt like absolute shit, I had to join my mum and my friend Even to drive all the way to Bjerkvik so mum could look at some new furniture.
Had a major headache and I was extremely hungry.
The perfect ending on a very stressful and slightly shitty day.

One thing that did cheer me up today was something I recieved in the mail:

Yeah, I'm an old school Mortal Kombat fan.
I remember playing the old version on my gameboy almost 12 years ago.
Such a great game.
I have to admit that this ''newer'' version is a bit tricky.
Not as easy as the old one.
And oh lord, how much I hate that Jade character.
I can never seem to kick that bitch's ass.
Everytime she beats me she looks so cheeky.
I probably wont go to bed tonight before I beat her.

Off to game some more.
Friday tomorrow!!!! :)


- Melissa

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Foggy morning

Earlier this week when I was leaving the house to head to work I couldn't see a damn thing.
It was foggy as hell and I could barely see anything in front of me.
I tried to see the view from the footballfield at school but all I could see was this:

Reminds me of the movie Ghostship.
Haven't seen it in forever so I might have to look it up again.
I'm a huge fan of Gabriel Byrne, so I try to keep up with his tv shows and movies.

But I am now off to hang out with friends.
Have a good saturday night :)


- Melissa

Thursday, 15 September 2011

New laptop

I'm finally back after almost a week without a computer.
Been a very interesting week, but I must say I was very close to pulling my hair out yesterday.
I am, like many others, addicted to my computer and several days without one is like a year in hell.
The one I got this time is a little cute netbook from Acer Aspire:

It is SOOOOOOO cute and very tiny.
I could definitely fit it in my bag.
The colour is a huge plus, too.
Never had one like this before.
All of my previous laptop have been black, silver and dark blue.

So far I'm very happy with it.
Lets just hope it wont slow down after only a few weeks.
I'm going to try not to fill it with loads of crap like I always do.

Anyways, I have to jet.

Goodnight everyone :)


- Melissa