I read on a blog today that the makeupbrand 'Face Stockholm' has opened up a makeupschool in Oslo.
Now, if you know me or even have read some of my blog posts or seen any of my vlogs on youtube, you know that I'm slightly obsessed with makeup.
I have recently been thinking about taking the obsession and using it to go back to school and try to become a makeup artist.
But I have three problems...
First of all, I have to move to oslo.
Second, I don't really know where I stand with certain things at the moment.
And second and most importantly: It costs a shitload of money.
I'm looking at 16 000 kroner, which is around 2880 dollars.
I just bought a new laptop, so I don't have that kind of money these days.
It's so depressing.
Maybe if I work hard and save up enough money, I'll be able to go back to school, but not right now.
Besides, I have to move to the big city to get there and even though I think Oslo is a nice city to visit, I don't want to live there.
Oh well.. Who knows what I might end up doing in the future?
I can still dream :)
ER ferdig på hudpleie til jul, mulig jeg må ta opp en eksamen eller to i ettertid, men da er jeg i alle fall ferdig på skolen så vurderer å gå en eller annen make-up skole etterpå. Face Stocholm ligger høyt på lista, så hør av deg, det kunne vært gøy å gjøre sammen :)